A Letter from the Executive Producer

I have been thinking about all of you with everything our world is going through, and I hope you are all safe and well. This summer has certainly been different from how I imagined, and I’m sure you all feel the same way. My wife Joanne and I have traded in the cookouts with friends for quiet nights at home with our dog Duke, vacation travel for tennis and golf in my area, outdoor concerts for virtual events and time with family for regular FaceTime visits and Zoom calls. It has certainly been an adjustment, but I know at the end of all of this, our community and our passion for live music will flourish more than I ever thought possible. Although our cruise family won’t be together in 2021, I am confident that by February of 2022, we will be ready to celebrate once again on the Feel Good Party at Sea. 

In the meantime, I feel so lucky to remain connected to you all and our incredible ‘70s Rock & Romance Cruise artists. This month we caught up with a few that you all know and love including ForeignerThe Guess Who, Jefferson Starship and The Newbees and have shared what they’ve been up to in this newsletter. 

What the world really needs now is love, music, and good vibes, and I know you all are just the group of people to bring all of that to light. I am thinking of all of you and can’t wait until we can party together again under the Caribbean stars. Until we see each other, stay safe and keep listening to the music.

Alan Rubens, Executive Producer